Key Performance Indicators

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Quick Overview

The new edition of the bestselling guide on creating and using key performance indicators―offers significant new and revised content

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help define and measure the organizational goals which are fundamental to an organization’s current and future success. Having solid KPIs is crucial for companies that are implementing performance management systems, such as balanced scorecards, six sigma, or activity-based management. In many organizations, KPIs are often too numerous, randomly assembled, and overly complex―essentially rendering them ineffectual, or at worse, counterproductive. Key Performance Indicators provides a model for simplifying the complex areas of KPIs while helping organizations avoid common mistakes and hazards.


The new edition of the bestselling guide on creating and using key performance indicators―offers significant new and revised content

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help define and measure the organizational goals which are fundamental to an organization’s current and future success. Having solid KPIs is crucial for companies that are implementing performance management systems, such as balanced scorecards, six sigma, or activity-based management. In many organizations, KPIs are often too numerous, randomly assembled, and overly complex―essentially rendering them ineffectual, or at worse, counterproductive. Key Performance Indicators provides a model for simplifying the complex areas of KPIs while helping organizations avoid common mistakes and hazards.

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Author David Parmenter
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